The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece


Taverna - grill

Sterea Ellada and Evia - Karpenisi - Evritania - Mikro Chorio

Phone : 22370/41257

Price : € 20 - € 25
Open period : All year, daily, noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

13,5 / 20

The ultimate haunt of meat lovers. Hall with fireplace and courtyard. Nikos handles the spit skillfully and his wife Vassiliki makes exquisite pies and cooked dishes. Try boar stew, “kontosouvli” (large pieces of meat on the spit), roast lamb, mushroom pie and other country-style pies. Spit-roasted meat on long weekends. Friendly atmosphere and fast service, except when there is some special event.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy