The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: DGF22

Modern cuisine

Peloponnese - Pylos - Pylos

Navarino Dunes
Phone : 2723097177

Price : € 68 - € 80
Open period : April-Oct. 12:00-17:00

Alpha Guide's evaluation

13,5 / 20

The “Barbouni” is set in one of the most beautiful spots of the “Costa Navarino” hotel compound, in a stylish balcony overlooking the sea. The presence of Chef Chrysanthos Karamolegos, who coordinates the kitchen, raises the bar even higher. Known for his inventiveness and his ability to handle local ingredients, he orchestrates a menu starring seafood. Crisp seafood and juicy fresh fish make are coupled with unexpected ingredients and make every bite taste like summer. Greek Cuisine Award 2018.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy