Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy

The professional critics of Alpha Guide do not rate based on what they like but on what is objectively good or not. They record the individual elements that determine the final judgment and lead to the evaluation of restaurants and hotels.

For their rating, importance is attached to taste. More specifically, restaurants are evaluated based on a series of individual criteria, such as the quality and originality of the materials, the cooking technique, the subtlety and intensity of flavors, the taste balance, the character of the proposed menu (originality, etc.) and the food styling. We put emphasis on the service, the art de la table and the comfort of the place. Moreover, the wine list is examined as for its extent, the adequate representation -primarily- of the Greek vineyard, the depth, etc. As far as the tavernas are concerned, the key point at issue is, of course, the quality of raw materials, but emphasis is also put on the existence of traditional dishes, their proper preparation tastewise and, of course, the environment and the service. The wine list is just an additional upside. Finally, the guide sometimes refers to dishes that were tested in the season before its publication and may have changed in the meantime.

What the prices refer to

Prices refer to average cost per person. A starter, a main course and a dessert are included (the wine is excluded).

The rating scales

The restaurants and tavernas are given a grade, which indicates the level of taste, service and quality of each place in general. When a cap appears next to the grade, it means that the restaurant was awarded a Toque d’Or in the current season. An olive branch indicates that the restaurant won a Greek Cuisine Award. Further down, the different rating scales of restaurants are set forth.

Restaurants - tavernas
the rating scales


18 / 20 - 20 / 20

Top-class cuisine. Subtlety of flavours and impeccable technique. Imagination, creativity, premium ingredients and comprehensive wine list. Equally high-level service and environment.


16,5 / 20 - 17,9 / 20

Excellent cuisine. High-level technique and skill. Imagination, creativity. High-quality ingredients and a wine list that meets the demands of the menu.

Very good

15 / 20 - 16,4 / 20

Very good cuisine, that usually stands out in its category. Balance of flavours and very good ingredients in creative combinations. Adequate wine list.


14 / 20 - 14,9 / 20

Good cuisine. Select basic ingredients and properly executed recipes that make a good impression. Decent wine list that suits the kind of the cuisine.


13,5 / 20 - 13,9 / 20

Satisfactory cuisine. Good basic ingredients and an overall balanced flavour.