The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: IPF20

Japanese cuisine

Macedonia - Chalkidiki - Sani

"Sani Resort" Hotel
Phone : 23740/99484-5

Price : € 70 - € 95
Open period : April to November, evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14 / 20

The balcony is fascinating, the view is breathtaking, the aura is cosmopolitan, and the decor is modern and minimal. The cuisine of Katsuhiro Hanamure, who now also lends his name to the Japanese fusion restaurant of the “Sani Resort”, follows the steps of the typically simple Japanese philosophy: well-made sushi and delectable dishes, with discernible ingredients, rich flavors, and alternating textures. Be sure to try the meat, which they roast in a special American oven.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy