The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Dourampeis Oyster
Ref: DKA20

Fish restaurant

Athens - Athens - North - Neo Psychiko
Adrianeiou 37
N. Psychiko
Phone : 210/6710100

Price : € 40 - € 55
Open period : All year, daily, noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14 / 20

The new Dourambeis generation has created a second, very beautiful, elegant and bright sea restaurant that brings credit to the family’s name. It puts great emphasis on shellfish: pines, date mussels, oysters, etc. Apart from that, you will try marinated scampi, flawlessly fried shrimp and, of course, fresh fish. Observing the bench, even if you're not a connoisseur, you have no doubt about the quality of the ingredients.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy